Monday, December 31, 2012

You Say You Want a Resolution...

Well, it appears all the good ones have already been taken.  Or perhaps resolutions are frequently as unoriginal as tropes, and just as rankly abused.  While I sit here at home on an overly gloomy, rainy New Year's Eve, I consider the habit of resolution making.  I, for one, like it.  It implies at least a moment of reflection or taking stock, blended with an optimistic view of future days.  And while I am well aware (from my personal history and viewing the habits of others) that few resolutions survive a month, much less a full year, I am going to set my own and hope they make it long enough for at least a few better habits to form.  Here goes:

I resolve, in the year 2013, to 

  • Do all that stuff listed on the pretty jpeg that I used to open this post; 
  • Read and Review at least one book per week (Reviews will be posted HERE!);
  • Talk less so I can listen and write more;
  • Laugh more;
  • Devote more time to my spiritual health.
The best thing about blogging is that I can use it as a form of journal and source of accountability.  Hopefully I will remember in 2013 to live in a way that I can enjoy the present, plan for the future, and remember significant aspects of the past.

What are your views on resolutions, and do you plan to make any?

Until later, I still like you.


Hi there! How're you doing?

Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME to my book blog.  My intention for this space is to share thoughts on books I have read and what I think of their attempts at crafting story, characters, and so on.

Who am I?  I am an avid reader.  I have enjoyed stories from my earliest memories of learning to read. While I favor fictive works, I'm not necessarily devoted to any particular genre or sub-genre.  I enter a story hopeful that there will be believable characters and an interesting story.  However, I am a sucker for time travel.  I also adore romances, especially those of the Regency period.  The best books I read in 2012 were the Millennium Trilogy (Larsson), and the first two books of the Divergent Trilogy (Roth).  Yes, even though I am an adult, I read a good bit of young-adult and new-adult works.

What on earth qualifies me to be undertaking this mission?  Aside from being a dedicated reader for most of my life, not much.  I am in my early forties.  I am newly divorced.  I work full-time teaching English to reluctant learners aged 17-18.  I have two bichon frises (Hamlet & Falstaff).  When I am not reading, I am trying to write my first book.  I also enjoy knitting, cooking, and traveling.  I am in the world's worst book club.  Seriously, from the books selected to some of its personnel and the manner of discussion, it's wall-to-wall awful.  I've tried to quit and my friends won't let me.  Maybe 2013 will be the year I successfully liberate myself from it.

That's why I'm here, and that's mostly what I'll be doing here.  There will be occasional forays into my thoughts about life, my life, and my writing efforts.  But primarily, this is going to be a book review blog.  I hope you enjoy this journey.  Please feel welcome to comment on any post I make.  I encourage feedback, criticism, encouragement, opinions, whatever.

Until I post again, thanks for stopping by.  I like you.